Thursday 2 July 2015

How to check your hard hat

With work, weather, and everyday use, a hard hat can get old before its time. Even if you bought your hard hat from a reliable store, it’s always important to know when it’s time to get a new hard hat. Here’s how to tell…
- Cracks appear in the shell
- Shiny surface appears dull or chalky
- The shell becomes brittle

While you are busy checking if your hard hat needs to be replaced, you should also check the suspension. You’ll know when you need a fresh one if…

- The suspensions become brittle
- One of more of the mounts breaks off
- The suspension will no longer hold securely to the head
- The cradling straps break or become worn

It is generally a good idea to inspect your hard hat before and after each time you use it. Although there is no set service life for hard hats, manufacturers recommend that you replace it after no more than five years.

Are you looking for a one-stop safety wear and equipment store for all your needs? Visit L&A Safety at their shops in Milnerton and Vredenburg or take a look at their website today!

1 comment:

  1. When working in cruel winter conditions, a winter hard hat> liner can be similarly as vital as the hard hat you're wearing it under. Protect your group and warm with hard hat liners from
