Tuesday 22 September 2015

4 reasons why you should always wear dishwashing gloves

If you do a lot of cleaning there is one thing you should have learnt over the years – its always a good idea to wear gloves when you’re doing the household chores! Here are four reasons why you should always wear dishwashing gloves.

If you are looking for a high quality pair of rubber household gloves, try L&A Safety, they have a wide variety of safety equipment and clothing.

1. Better grip
Soapy water and slippery dishes isn’t the best match. Anyone who has dropped a soapy dish, knows how dangerous sharp objects and murky water can be. Wearing gloves when you wash the dishes can allow for much better grip!

2. Protect your skin
Hot water, harsh chemicals and dishwashing liquid can really do a number on your skin. Protect your skin by not allowing it to be exposed to chemicals and high water temperatures that can irritate and dry your hands out. This is especially important if you have any cuts or scratches on your hands. Avoid the pain and chance of infection by exposing your hands to dishwater or other chores.

3. Protect your nails
Torn and broken nails can happen so easily when your nails have been weakened by chemicals and water exposure. Prevent painful snags and tears by wearing gloves when you wash the dishes or do any household chores.

4. Avoid gross stuff
Yes, if you clean the house often you should not be surprised or repulsed by any household job. The fact is, there are jobs in our home that are going to be gross to do. If they are disgusting to think about then they’re not going to be nice to touch and expose our skin to.

Do you wear gloves when you do the household chores? Well, if you answered no, then you really should start wearing them!

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