Thursday 2 February 2017

Essential Gardening Gear

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The sun is out which means it’s time to head to the garden and deal with whatever it throws at you, whether it be a mess of weeds or an overgrown spinach patch. However, before you step outside you need to be wearing the right gardening gear.

You want your gardening clothes to be able to protect you, but at the same time be practical. He’s a list of essential gardening gear you can order now from L&A Safety.


Your gardening gloves need to be durable and withstand regular use in the garden. However the type of glove you buy depends on the type of environment you are working in.

If you choose cotton gloves, they will be comfortable, but they won’t protect you much. All leather gloves are great at protecting your fingers when you’re working with sharp plants and can prevent cuts, however they aren’t very breathable.

I would say the best gloves for gardeners would be gloves made from Lycra or nylon – take a look at the range from L&A Safety.

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Gardens offer a range of things, including muddy flower beds, thorns and even spiders, so you need a good pair of boots to protect you from your feet up to your calves. Polyurethane boots are both light, longwearing and have excellent insulation!

Take a look at the L&A Safety website. There Polyurethane boots are light and flexible, insulated correctly, durable, slip resistant, metal free and protect your feet if you step on a sharp object!


The sun is beating down on you and the last thing you need is an annoying glare in your eyes, this is why glasses are so important when you’re gardening.

Choose a pair that suites your needs – a sporty safety pair of glasses with a tinted lens if you’re just pruning your rose garden.  General purpose dust goggles and a clear full face shield if you’re planning on doing some heavy duty gardening like mowing the lawn.

Image result for gardening in sun

Some other essentials:

- Old, loose, comfortable clothing
- A wide-brimmed hat
- A pouch or apron

Before you step outside into the garden, make sure you have these gardening essentials.

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